NASBTT Members are invited to attend the CollectiveEd Research Network for Coaching and Mentoring in Education. This event is an ideal opportunity for colleagues to share ideas, practice and their own research.
The first meeting of 2020 for the CollectiveEd Research Network for Coaching and Mentoring in Education has been planned for the 27th January 2020 at the University of East London, University Square Stratford, 1, Salway Road, Stratford, London E15 1BX, Room Number: US 4.10
Facilitators for the meeting will be Professor Rachel Lofthouse (CollectiveEd, Leeds Beckett University) and Professor Christian van Nieuwerburgh (UEL).
If you would like to attend and book a place, please contact: Lizana Oberholzer by email to l.oberholzer@uel.ac.uk by no later than the 23rd January 2020. The full details will be emailed to delegates next week.