Initial Teacher Training (ITT) 2020 Recruitment: Requesting permission to recruit to unlimited courses and requesting places in allocated courses.
Providers and lead schools have until 12 July to submit requests for permission to recruit to unlimited courses and request allocations for allocated courses for ITT2020 (academic year 2020/21).
Please read the full guidance:Requesting initial teacher training places.
As set out in theTeacher Recruitment and Retention Strategy, recruitment to all postgraduate ITT courses will remain unlimited for ITT2020 and ITT2021, with the exception of PE (fee-funded) routes.
This year, the request process will be different:
· Lead schools must register by completing and returning theLead school registration template to DfE.
· Lead schools should also enter their School Direct and Postgraduate Teaching Apprenticeship (PGTA) requests to the requests template and pass on to their ITT provider, who will submit to DfE on their behalf.
· ITT providers should enter their Provider-led and undergraduate requests onto their request template.
· All request templates completed by ITT providers and lead schools must be submitted to DfE, using the template below, by the ITT provider only. Requests are not ratified unless submitted to DfE by the ITT provider.
· Information submitted must include the minimum viability and forecast recruitment for each ITT course for ITT2020. Forecasts should reflect the number of trainees the partnership expects to realistically recruit to that course. |
Please note that request templates will be pre-populated with the courses listed on ‘Find’ for ITT2019 to help with data entry, but all number fields will be blank. You can access your personalised template here:
example – Request template ITT2020
Requesting permission to recruit – ITT providers
Providers must return all requests to DfE, including provider-led and all courses they agree to ratify. Lead schools should agree their course requests with their partner provider as soon as possible to enable the provider to submit all requests by midday 12 July. Partnerships can decide for themselves whether lead school request templates are completed by the lead school or the provider, as long as they are submitted to DfE by the provider. Providers should e-mail their completed template(s) to before midday 12 July. Please refer to theRequesting initial teacher training places guidance for full details.
Requests must indicate the minimum viability and forecast recruitment for each ITT course they will offer in ITT2020.
Forecasts should reflect the number of trainees the partnership expects to realistically recruit to that course. DfE will use this information to better understand the ITT market and may use it to inform future policy development. There will be no penalties for recruiting under or over this figure for unlimited courses. As in previous years, allocations will continue to define the maximum number that can be recruited for allocated subjects.
Additionally, each request must include a 3-year indicative forecast which reflects whether the partnership intends to increase, decrease or maintain the number of trainees recruited in future years.
Requesting permission to recruit – lead schools
Lead schools who wish to request places for ITT2020 must register as a lead school by returning the following registration template before midday on 12 July:
Lead school registration template
To be eligible to register the school must have been judged by Ofsted as “good” or “outstanding”. They must list the other schools in their partnership (minimum partnership size is 5 partner schools, or 3 for special schools). They should use the correct school details as listed on theRegister of Schools in England.
For ITT2020, lead schools should submit their requests for School Direct and Postgraduate Teaching Apprenticeship (PGTA) courses to their provider, who will ratify them by forwarding to DfE. Lead schools should agree their course requests with their partner provider as soon as possible, and should not return requests to DfE directly (please do not copy DfE in to correspondence emails).
Requests are not ratified unless submitted to DfE by the ITT provider.
Please remember that for PGTA courses the accredited ITT provider must be on theRegister of Apprenticeship Training Providers (RoATP).
For further enquiries, please contact the ITT Recruitment & Allocations Team
ITT Recruitment & Allocations Team |