This information is for the information and convenience of our members, and does not constitute endorsement, recommendation, or favour by NASBTT or its agents.
On 25th March the Department for Education issued a policy statement to ITE providers stating that, due to the Coronavirus crisis, for this academic year the DfE will enable ITT providers to make judgements on trainees based on assessments already completed and each trainee’s current trajectory of progress towards meeting the Teachers’ Standards. In the light of this we wish to support any provider that has difficulties making their assessments by offering online portfolios free of charge to all of their trainees for the remaining part of the 2019-20 academic year.
Our system is easy to set up, administer and use and is configured to support and monitor trainees’ progress based on criteria in the current NASBTT toolkit. It enables trainees to upload evidence in relation to the Teachers’ Standards and for mentors and visiting tutors to verify this.
If any provider would like more details of this offer and how to set up their trainees’ portfolios please contact Neil Brading Neil is a former NASBTT trustee and SCITT manager.