
Dear Members,


Thank you to everyone who completed our members’ survey in January and February. Our objective is to provide the best possible membership package, and we can only do this by understanding what is working for you and what we need to do differently. We have now analysed the results of the survey, which can be viewed here, and below I have developed my initial thoughts on the key development areas.

Developing main communications channels

  • The main service that is important to members is general communications (website, newsletter, blog) – 96% scored this 8 out of 10 or above. This is also the service that members are most satisfied with – 90.6% at 8/10 or above. 92.8% of members read NASBTT communications regularly – 92.8% often reading the weekly newsletter but just 56% often reading the website. Content shared via the newsletter and blog will be retained and developed to maintain these high levels. Consideration will also be given to the future usability/functionality of the existing website, with a view to increasing direct traffic and downloads from the site.


Member engagement/involvement in ‘voice’

  • Representing member interests (the ‘voice’ of schools-led teacher training) is the second main service that is important to members – 92.4% at 8 out of 10 or above (note this had the highest 10/10 – 71.2%). 89.7% of members (at 8/10 or above) are satisfied with this approach. A detailed summary of how this has been delivered/ achieved will provided at the AGM in the Autumn. More communications activity will be undertaken directly with members from the 2018-19 academic year, offering you an opportunity to share your ‘voice’. This will include the development of a member blog.


Ramping up professional recognition and peer-to-peer networking messages

  • The service that is deemed least important to members is professional recognition – 70.4% at 8 out of 10 or above. Professional recognition (66.9% at 8/10 or above) and peer-to-peer networking (66.5% at 8/10 or above) are the services that members are least satisfied with. We will be undertaking some work on developing/reinforcing this professional recognition message around membership and enhancing peer-to-peer networking opportunities within events. This is reinforced by just 42.5% saying that membership provides credibility and status and only 43.3% saying that membership has enabled them to build new contacts.


Facilitating member-to-member engagement

  • 87% of members feel it is very important or important to be engaged with other members – yet only 56.9% currently feel very engaged or engaged with members. We are giving consideration to the development of member engagement opportunities – physically or virtually – which also supports the principle of enhancing peer-to-peer networking. Additionally, 36.8% of members have little contact with NASBTT – and 10.5% never contact NASBTT with queries. We will seek opportunities to remind and members of our day-to-day services, which can also include putting members in touch with each other on specific issues/questions.


Refreshing approach to events

  • Only 68.8% of members attend NASBTT events regularly and 76% say that events are on relevant topics for them. Perceived barriers to attendance are being considered, especially location – 54.3% reported that offering local events would provide more value for members – and topics will be refreshed in line with feedback on current and changing professional needs e.g. support and guidance on legislation, HR, data protection and apprenticeships. 72.6% say that improving professional skills is their key priority and over the next 12 months events will increasingly be focused or re-focused on emerging professional needs.


Beyond this we will:

  • Further explore the individual comments that were fed back through the survey.
  • Update you on progress in 3-6 months’ time.
  • Repeat this survey in 12-18 months’ time.

Emma Hollis

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