We have today (Monday, 20th November 2023) published our Ofsted ITE Inspection Reports Analysis Summary (2023 Cycle).
Key Takeaway Thoughts
In this third year of ITE inspections under the 2020 framework, the number of inspections has returned to the typical numbers last seen in the ‘peak years’
of the previous framework (77 including five ‘FE only’ partnerships).
- The rigorous focus is still very much in evidence, but only one of the 72 SCITT and HEI providers inspected was judged to be Inadequate and also noncompliant – 5% compared with 18% in 2022 (27% of providers were found to be non-compliant in 2021 in total);
- As was the case last year, it is immediately noticeable that reports acknowledge the “high quality personal and pastoral support” that trainees
receive – coupled with recognition of the various strategies to manage workload often supported with validating comments from trainees. It is difficult
to find a SCITT report that does not highlight this aspect of training. This comment in a Grade 1 report is typical of the care and concern that providers,
particularly SCITTs, demonstrate:
Trainees are incredibly proud to study here. Many describe the partnership as being ‘like a family’. They truly flourish during their trainingyear. Trainees rightly value the highly supportive relationships with partnership leaders and school-based staff that are in placeto ensure their success. Well-being is prioritised every step of the way. Trainees learn to efficiently manage their workload as theybecome familiar with the practical realities of teaching, placing them in a prime position to be successful in their future careers.
View NASBTT’s Ofsted ITE Inspection Reports Analysis Summary (2023 Cycle)