
NASBTT would like to share with members the final draft of our proposed response to the Ofsted ITE Inspection Consultation. This has been written in collaboration with the Board of Trustees and reflects the messages we have been receiving from the membership since the consultation was launched. We would encourage you to read the response and get in touch if there are any broad areas which you feel have not been covered. As the NASBTT response must reflect, as best it can, the whole sector, we may not be able to include every suggestion but if key themes emerge, we will ensure these are incorporated.

Proposed Response to the Ofsted ITE Inspection Consultation

We intend to submit our response next Monday, 23rd March, so please ensure any observations are sent to ehollis@nasbtt.org.uk before then.

We additionally encourage you to submit your own responses to the consultation, if you have not already done so. You may wish to use our response to inform your own. There is power in numbers when it comes to consultations so please do take the opportunity to respond individually.

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