Welcome to NASBTT's Teacher Educator and Mentoring Zone (TEMZ)

This dedicated resource has been designed to support the professional learning and development of Teacher Educators and Mentors both individually and collectively as a profession.

We believe it is vital to recognise the role of the Teacher Educator as a professional who is instrumental to the development of early career teachers.

Our Teacher Educator and Mentoring Zone (TEMZ) includes mentoring and subject resources.

Access is free of charge for all Teacher Educators and Mentors in all settings.


Based on our Professional Framework for Teacher Educators, our mentoring resources provide dedicated guidance, helpful tips and advice, articles, further reading, videos and handy printable guides.

Resources are easily accessible and designed to be a starting point for Teacher Educators and mentors who are keen to develop their own practice and knowledge. The content is built on existing theory and research, as well as first-hand practical advice that can be implemented quickly.

Led by our subject specialists, our subject resources provide Teacher Educators with resources and information in the primary and secondary National Curriculum subjects.

Each subject area includes informative resources, recommended reading, instructional videos, useful articles, blogs, podcasts, current topical newsfeed, good practice ideas, professional learning opportunities and much more.


Creative Environments

November 24, 2022

Why don’t we pay more attention to the learning environment in which children spend their day? Watch this video from Woorana Park

Art Daily

November 24, 2022

Why not sign up for art news straight to your inbox from the artdaily website? Find out more here.

Breaking news! Results from the 2022 Primary RE survey by NATRE

November 23, 2022

This infographic was produced by the National Association of Teachers of RE (NATRE). NATRE is the subject teacher association for RE professionals. It works to support those who teach and…

Disability History Month

November 23, 2022

The Historical Association has brought together a page of resources to support teaching during Disability History month from 16 November to 16 December.

A new Teacher’s Guide from EuroClio -Working with Sources in the History Classroom

November 23, 2022

EuroClio have published a teacher’s guide for working with sources in the history classroom: Euroclio Teachers guide working with sources in history education

Teaching Race Matters Podcasts – The Runnymede Trust

November 23, 2022

The Runnymede Trust is producing a series of podcasts called ‘Teaching Race Matters’. They are published on several platforms, including here:  Teaching Race Matters Podcasts – The Runnymede Trust

Free History Webinar from the Historical Association

November 23, 2022

The Historical Association is running a free webinar about how schools can collaborate with history academics to support the curriculum. More details here: Historical Association Webinar

South Downs Songbook

November 23, 2022

Brighton based Orchestra of Sound and Light have commissioned a songbook of brand new pieces about the South Downs from composers and students in schools and colleges. There are also…

Charanga Secondary

November 23, 2022

Charanga, the popular primary music platform has launched resources for secondary pupils for use in music tech lessons. A 30 day free trial is available. Find out more here.

Music and movement at KS3 music

November 23, 2022

Music teacher Robert Legg writes about how he has devised a music and movement project that encompasses the link between sound and motion of the body. Read the article from…