Registering your mentors for the 2024-2025 academic year

Your registered mentors will be able to access the Mentor Development Modules for the period 1st August 2024 to 31st July 2025.

You can add early access for additional months if required for a small additional cost. Find out more about costs here.

Getting started

To register your mentors, please complete the mentor registration spreadsheet with your mentor’s details. Guidance for completing the spreadsheet is available on the ‘Guidance’ tab. Please pay particular attention to the information regarding utilising groups if you have a large number of mentors or work across hubs and module access if you want to restrict access to particular modules.

Return your completed mentor registration spreadsheet to noting any special requirements.

Please ensure that you make your mentors aware that they have been registered for the Mentor Development Modules including clarifying your expectations for their engagement with and completion of modules. You should also advise them that they will be receiving communications from NASBTT and NASBTT Learn. (The NASBTT Learn platform (app and website) is home to our Mentor Development Modules.

Please note that registrations are not transferable or refundable. Access to the Mentor Development Modules will be activated based on the information shared with NASBTT. An invoice will be generated according to the information shared with NASBTT and organisations are liable for payment based on the information shared.

What happens next?

On receipt of your data, access is subject to a five-working day set up period.

NASBTT will process your registration data.

NASBTT will share communications with your mentors:

  1. An initial email confirming that they have been registered for the Mentor Development Modules and confirming the next steps - view the email here;
  2. An invitation to access NASBTT Learn – mentors need to click on the link to accept the invitation and set a password to access NASBTT Learn in the future - view the email here;
  3. A ‘getting started’ email with further information about the Mentor Development Modules and the Teacher Educator and Mentoring Zone - view the email here.

NASBTT will acknowledge that your registration data has been processed, communications shared with mentors and access set up for mentors on NASBTT Learn. NASBTT will also seek clarification about any questions that have arisen such as bounced email addresses.

NASBTT will share an invoice based on the number of registered mentors. Payment is due within 30 days of the invoice date.

Onboarding call

If you would like to discuss your requirements for the Mentor Development Modules, including utilising groups, restricting access to particular modules or options for module visibility, you can book an onboarding call with Alison Hobson.

Updates to your data

If you need to advise us of any updates to your data during the year, please resubmit you mentor registration spreadsheet indicating:

Any removals in red
Any changes in orange
Any new users in green


If you have any questions, please contact us.