Hosted by NASBTT's James Coleman and Hannah Wilson, Diverse Educators. Series one is based around grass roots organisations, in each episode, James and Hannah are joined by guests who bring their own unique knowledge, insights and ideas.

Episode 1: Dr Adam Brett and Jo Brassington from Pride and Progress

James Coleman, Head of Operations and Training, NASBTT and Hannah Wilson, Diverse Educators talk to Dr Adam Brett and Jo Brassington from Pride and Progress in Episode 1 of our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for ITTE Podcast Series.

Episode 2: Ruth Golding and Shabnam Callwender from DisabilityEd

In this episode, James Coleman, Head of Operations and Training, NASBTT and Hannah Wilson, Diverse Educators talk to Ruth Golding and Shabnam Callwender from DisabilityEd.

Episoide 3: Albert Adeyemi and Johnoi Josephs from Black Men Teach

In this episode, James Coleman, Head of Operations and Training, NASBTT and Hannah Wilson, Diverse Educators talk to Albert Adeyemi and Johnoi Josephs from Black Men Teach.

Episode 4: Louise Jaunbocus-Cooper and Marcus Shepherd from MixEd

In this episode, James Coleman, Head of Operations and Training, NASBTT and Hannah Wilson, Diverse Educators are joined by Louise Jaunbocus-Cooper and Marcus Shepherd from MixEd.

Episode 5: Mike and Matt from Men Teach Primary

In this episode, James Coleman, Head of Operations and Training, NASBTT and Hannah Wilson, Diverse Educators are joined by Mike and Matt from Men Teach Primary.

Episode 6: Jackie Hill and Kiran Satti from WomenEd

This final episode of our DE&I podcast series sees James Coleman, Head of Operations and Training, NASBTT and Hannah Wilson, Diverse Educators talking to Jackie Hill and Kiran Satti from WomenEd.