Secondary Music
Kirsty Wilcockson

Key Contact

Kirsty England
NASBTT Associate Consultant
Secondary Music

Twitter: @kiwlcockson

Latest News

Free event led by Christopher Stevens with an update on Music in Schools

Music Mark: Free event led by Christopher Stevens with an update on Music in Schools

Careers within the Music Industry

UK Music is a website looking at progression paths within the music industry

An educator’s guide to digital music distribution

Music Teachers Magazine: An overview on how students can share their music beyond the classroom.

Subject Resources

Welcome to the TESN Secondary Music resource area.

Having had the privilege of working in Music Education for over 16 years, I have created a group of resources that I have found helpful.

Since starting as a music teacher, I was hooked on ensuring that young people experience a rich music education. I believe it is such a powerful and exciting subject to teach that can reach way beyond curriculum lessons. Music can be such a fantastic tool to explore feelings and emotions; it can be used to enrich not just the time that young people spend at school but their whole life. As music educators, we have the power to instil this; not just through performing, composing and improvising but through careful, focused listening.

This page will be updated regularly, but if you come across a resource that you find useful, and wish for it to be shared, please get in touch.

Music Education Hubs

Music Hubs are partnerships with the Arts Council England that support, deliver and enable access to music education for children and young people within a local area. These partnerships are co-ordinated by a Hub Lead Organisation and can include schools, local authorities, community groups, music organisations, industry and more.

There is a Music Hub for every area of England so all children and young people can access high-quality music education.

Curriculum planning

Inclusive curriculum

Transition from KS2-3


Examples of projects/videos of good practice





Core Reading

  • A Practical Guide to Teaching Music by Evans
  • Teaching Music Musically by Swanwick
  • The Guided Reader to Teaching and Learning Music by Savage

Wider reading to inform holistic music teaching practice

The views expressed in any links, documents or social accounts in these resources belong to the content creators and not NASBTT, its affiliates, or employees.