Photo by Alex Winn Photography |

Last week Zoom implemented two-factor authentication to make video conference safer than ever. Enabling this feature also helps to prevent ‘zoombombing’. If you have an account you should enable multi-factor authentication as soon as possible – even if you’re not currently using it.

To enable multi-factor authentication, log in to your Zoom account online by going to Zoom’s website and completing the following steps:

1) Click on your profile ‘avatar’ in the top-right corner of the page.
2) Click on your name/email address to open your profile settings.
3) Scroll down to the Two-Factor Authentication section.
4) If this section says ‘turned off’ click ‘turn on’.** If it already says ‘turned on’ there’s nothing more you have to do. **
5) You’ll be prompted for your password again.
6) Click ‘Set up’ next to the type of second factor you would like to enable (Authentication App, SMS or both).
7) Follow the on-screen steps to complete.

Thanks to Paul from Secure Schools for the alert.

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