From 1 January 2021 professional regulators in the EEA (EU, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) will no longer share information about sanctions imposed on EEA teachers with the Teaching Regulation Agency (TRA).

From 1 January 2021 the Teaching Regulation Agency will no longer maintain a list of EEA teachers with sanctions.

Schools must continue to carry out safer recruitment checks on all applicants.

For applicants that have lived or worked outside of the UK, schools must make any further checks they think appropriate so that relevant events that occurred outside the UK can be considered, including obtaining an enhanced DBS certificate with barred list information (even if the teacher has never been to the UK).

Teachers may be able to provide proof of their past conduct as a teacher, issued by the professional regulating authority in the country in which they worked. Where available, such evidence can be considered alongside other information obtained through other pre-appointment checks to help assess their suitability.


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