
Welcome to the November 2020 edition of the Teacher Recruitment Bulletin from Department for Education (DfE) which contains vital information to support your recruitment of Initial Teacher Training (ITT) trainees and teachers.



1) Future Teaching Scholars: an opportunity to fill maths & physics vacancies
2) Virtual Train to Teach event spaces available
3) Maths and Physics Chairs programme open for 2021 recruitment
4) Apply for teacher training—the new cycle
5) Recruiting trainee teachers from overseas – prepare for the new immigration system
6) Recruit International Teachers for STEM and MFL
7) Recognition of overseas teaching qualifications from 1 January 2021


8) ITT placements and national coronavirus restrictions
9) Teachers’ Student Loan Reimbursement
10) Early Career Framework (ECF) reforms
11) Flexible Working Ambassadors Schools application process

Data & recording

12) Database of Trainee Teachers and Providers (DTTP)– Entering delayed degree results
13) Registering trainee teachers
14) Performance Profiles 2019/20 outcomes collection


1) Future Teaching Scholars (FTS): an opportunity to fill maths & physics vacancies.

FTS is looking for schools in England with maths and physics teaching vacancies that are interested in employing a Scholar to start September 2021. FTS is a different approach to teacher training, supporting students throughout their degree and beyond.

Schools that hire a Scholar must provide a well-supported environment in which Scholars can build on their incredible experiences. Scholars will join your school as ITT students with three or more years of in-school experiences and training and come with no recruitment fees.

If you have a maths or physics teaching vacancy, or would like more details of individual scholar stories please visit www.futureteachingscholars.com.

For more information, please email the Employment Coordinator, Kate Wastie, at kwastie@educationdevelopmenttrust.com

2) Virtual Train to Teach event spaces available

The Train to Teach events team have extended our virtual events programme into the early part of the Spring term due to restrictions on holding face-to-face events. These regionally focused virtual events offer candidates the opportunity to view presentations and talk one-to-one with expert advisers, teachers, and training providers about getting into teaching.

Please only apply for events in your area as we can only host a limited number of providers at each event.

To view the schedule of events and apply for a place, please submit the booking form at this link: https://forms.gle/JWY868X2LwR5HfFb7

3) Maths and Physics Chairs programme open for 2021 recruitment

The Maths and Physics Chairs programme, delivered by Researchers in Schools (RIS), recruits postdoctoral researchers to train as teachers in non-selective state schools across England. The programme places School Direct fee and salaried trainees to teach all EBacc subjects and to champion university access as they share their subject knowledge.

In response to feedback from schools and providers, we have made some changes to the programme for 2021, including reducing our programme fees. We are now open for our eighth cohort and are keen to hear from ITT providers who are interested in training and placing RIS participants in their partnerships.

For more information about the programme, please see: https://thebrilliantclub.org/researchers-in-schools/

If you would like to speak to a member of the team, please email: hello@researchersinschools.org

4) Apply for teacher training – the new cycle

We are pleased to announce that 13 October marked the opening of the new recruitment cycle and the launch of Apply for teacher training. Now almost all SCITTs and a number of HEIs are using Apply.

We would like to thank everyone who has worked with us so far either by joining the service or by participating in user research.

As of October 2021, all providers of postgraduate ITT courses will have to be ready to use Apply for teacher training.

For more information about becoming a user of Apply or getting involved in our user research, please get in touch by emailing: becomingateacher@digital.education.gov.uk

5) Recruiting trainee teachers from overseas – prepare for the new immigration system

The new points-based immigration system will apply to trainee teachers from overseas if they arrive in the UK on or after 1 January 2021. These trainees, including those from the European Economic Area and Switzerland, will need to apply for a visa. ITT providers may need to prepare for this change by becoming visa sponsors if they want to recruit trainees who are not UK or Irish nationals. There are some restrictions on state schools becoming visa sponsors.

Please read the guidance about recruiting trainee teachers from overseas at this link: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/recruit-trainee-teachers-from-overseas-accredited-itt-providers

6) Recruit international teachers for STEM and MFL

State funded schools and academies in England can get help from the International Teacher Recruitment Programme and Spain’s Visiting Teacher Programme to recruit STEM and MFL teachers from overseas for a January start.

All teachers recruited through the programme will:

·        be experienced teachers qualified in their country

·        be screened for safeguarding and quality

·        receive free acclimatisation support to help with settling into life and teaching in England

·        receive a free CPD programme

DfE will fund:

·        recruitment costs, including a DfE appointed recruitment agency

·        acclimatisation package and ongoing CPD during the teacher’s first year, delivered by a DfE appointed acclimatisation provider

To register your interest and find out more please visit:

For queries, please contact: international.teacherrecruitment@education.gov.uk

7) Recognition of overseas teaching qualifications from 1 January 2021

Now the UK has left the EU, we have published guidance for teachers applying for QTS recognition, detailing the changes that will apply from 1 January 2021 at this link : https://www.gov.uk/guidance/applying-for-qualified-teacher-status-qts-from-1-january-2021

Eligible teachers will still be able to apply for QTS in England, but the process is changing. A Letter of Professional Standing is required from the organisation responsible for regulating teachers in your country of qualification. There is more information about this on the link above.

Individuals who qualified in England and are applying for recognition in the EU from 1 January 2021 should check the latest arrangements with the organisation responsible for regulating teachers in the country they want to teach in.


8) ITT placements and national coronavirus restrictions

The new national coronavirus restrictions make provision for public sector workers, including those in education settings, to continue to go into work. ITT trainees, who are classed as critical workers, should therefore continue to travel to and from their placement, in line with the arrangements made with their host school.

For more information on critical worker status, please see: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-initial-teacher-training-itt/coronavirus-covid-19-initial-teacher-training-itt#critical-workers

For more information on the national restrictions, please see: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/new-national-restrictions-from-5-november#going-to-work

9) Teachers’ Student Loan Reimbursement

The Teachers’ Student Loan Reimbursement pilot allows eligible teachers who completed their ITT since academic year 2013 to 2014 to claim back the student loan repayments they make whilst teaching.

Teachers who taught biology, chemistry, physics, computing, or languages in selected local authorities can claim back the student loan repayments they made during the 2019 to 2020 financial year. Eligible teachers have until 28 January 2021 to apply.

Schools should inform their eligible teachers. Schools and ITT providers may also wish to inform their current trainees, as they may be eligible to claim in future.

For further information, including the eligible local authorities, visit https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/additional-payments-for-teaching-eligibility-and-payment-details/teachers-claim-back-your-student-loan-repayments-eligibility-and-payment-details

If you have any questions about this scheme, please email studentloanteacherpayment@digital.education.gov.uk

10) Early Career Framework (ECF) reforms

National roll-out of the ECF reforms will take place from September 2021.

To enable this, DfE intends to make changes to statutory induction arrangements. These changes will ensure that all early career teachers undergoing induction are entitled to a two-year programme of training and support, underpinned by the ECF.

At this time there are no actions for schools to take. Further information and guidance to help schools prepare for national roll-out will be published in due course.

Further detail about the planned changes to statutory induction arrangements can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/early-career-framework-reforms-overview/early-career-framework-reforms-overview?utm_source=TRB&utm_campaign=ECF_stat

11) Flexible Working Ambassador Schools application process

The application process for Flexible Working Ambassador Schools (FWAS) is now open. DfE is recruiting 8 ambassador schools to act as mentors for up to 5 other establishments, helping them build the processes and policies for greater adoption of flexible working. Increasing flexibility in working practices can lead to a better work-life balance, improved wellbeing and better retention of teaching talent.

You can read more about the application process, the programme’s aims, and how to ask a question by clicking this link: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/flexible-working-ambassador-schools

Data & recording

12) Database of Trainee Teachers and Providers (DTTP) – Entering delayed degree results

Students experiencing degree result delays should be recorded on DTTP as follows:

Select “Results Delayed (COVID-19)” in the ‘Class of UG Degree’ field and current date in ‘Undergrad Degree Date Obtained’. This can be after the commencement date in this case. This allows trainees to be registered for a Teacher Reference Numbers (TRN).

Users should return to the Training Record when degree results are received to revise the date and class of degree. If the degree result is not received by 30 November, current guidance states that the trainee must leave the course and Exit Information must be completed on their record.

13) Registering trainee teachers

We are developing a new service to make registering your trainee teachers easier and more streamlined. This service will eventually replace the current DTTP portal.

We are reviewing the data we currently collect and how we collect it. This includes working to streamline data across our new services, Find and Apply. You will then only need to provide any additional data requirements to support a trainee teacher’s record.

Initially we will be focusing on the development of a prototype of the Assessment Only (AO) route and are looking for providers to work with us as we build this service.

If you are an AO provider and want to partner with us to shape the new service, contact us at: becomingateacher@digital.education.gov.uk

14) Performance Profiles 2019/20 outcome collection

You will need to complete the Performance Profiles 2019/20 outcome collection by January 2021. Providers are expected to check their data on DTTP to ensure outcomes of ITT courses have been recorded accurately, and to sign off the data by the end of January 2021.

Further details will be issued w/c 16 November 2020.


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