EEF News Alert
Issue 86: 25 June 2020


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Our best wishes to all schools, nurseries and colleges at this challenging time.
Keep well and safe. 


Practical suggestions: How can we support social and emotional learning during school closures?   

‘Research can help us tackle the task of building children’s social and emotional skills in this difficult period,’ writes Jean Gross, co-author of the EEF’s Improving Social and Emotional Learning in Primary Schools guidance report. ‘It need not be a huge extra task for teachers already feeling overwhelmed. What the EEF guidance recommends are simple ways of building SEL practices into everyday teaching.’

CLICK HERE to read Jean’s blog


Audit and discussion tool for social and emotional learning (SEL) in your school – this is not another ‘tick box’ process! The aim is to get you talking about your practice in ways that genuinely support you to understand what you are doing that is working, as well as promoting some new thinking and ideas.

CLICK HERE to read / download our SEL audit discussion tool


NEW: £350m National Tutoring Programme launched to support schools to address impact on pupils of Covid-19 closures

From the 2020-21 school year, the National Tutoring Programme will make quality tuition available to state-maintained primary and secondary schools, providing additional support to help pupils who have missed out the most as a result of school closures.

CLICK HERE to find out more about the National Tutoring Programme

CLICK HERE for our National Tutoring Programme FAQS


It has been created through a collaboration between four charities, the EEF, Sutton Trust, Impetus and Nesta, with support from the Department for Education and funders including KPMG Foundation.

“One principle will matter above all others: tutoring is most effective when it is a tool for teachers.”
Prof. Becky Francis
Chief Executive | EEF

CLICK HERE to read Becky’s letter


We have had an overwhelming response to the announcement of the National Tutoring Programme, with thousands of people contacting us. To keep everyone updated in a timely way as more details are announced, we have set up a dedicated NTP mailing list:

SIGN UP HERE to receive updates on the National Tutoring Programme


NEW: Covid-19 support guide for schools

We have published a new guide to help teachers and school leaders support their pupils following the Covid-19 closures.

It offers an overview of relevant evidence and links to key resources.

It is designed in particular to support and inform schools’ decisions about how to use catch-up funding announced by the government last week.

CLICK HERE to read / download our guide


Including: our rapid evidence assessments on supporting students to learn remotely and the impact of school closures on the attainment gap.

CLICK HERE to explore all our Covid-19 resources


Bitesize evidence: SIGN UP for any (or all) of our five, free weekly email series

Practical recommendations, delivered weekly, direct to your inbox. 10,000+ of you have so far signed up for our free email series, based on our guidance reports…

Working with Parents to Support Children’s Learning – SIGN UP HERE

Metacognition and Self-Regulated Learning – SIGN UP HERE

Improving Literacy in Secondary Schools – SIGN UP HERE

Making Best Use of Teaching Assistants – SIGN UP HERE

Improving Mathematics in Key Stages 2 and 3 – SIGN UP HERE


Research Schools: ‘Challenging misconceptions in science while learning remotely’

Identifying and addressing students’ misconceptions is arguably even more crucial now that remote learning has become the norm and our students have found themselves navigating their way through key science concepts with degrees of independence,’ writes Lauren Stephenson from Blackpool Research School.

CLICK HERE to read


Our 40-strong Research Schools Network is producing many free resources for schools to support their colleagues at this time:

Access the latest Research School resources HERE


What works at Key Stage 4, two or three years of study?The EEF and NFER are currently investigating whether a two- or three-year Key Stage 4 curriculum is better for pupil outcomes and schools, or whether there is no difference. As part of this research, NFER are emailing a survey to all secondary schools, which takes only around 5 minutes to complete.
Click this link to find out more about the study.
Or request your school’s unique survey link by clicking here.


► The impact of school closures on disadvantaged students and the attainment gap‘careful tracking of engagement of all students has been vitally important and has allowed our brilliant pastoral team to continue engaging with parents in two-way communication,’ writes Ben Pollard on the Heathfield Teach Share blog.

► Great Teaching Toolkit‘What are the best bets for teachers to invest time and effort in if they want their students to learn more?’ is the question this new resource from Evidence Based Education sets out to answer.

► Guidance for parents of students who use English as an Additional Language– The Bell Foundation has published this short guide, available in the 17 most commonly used first languages in UK schools, to help parents to get involved in school life and to help their child to learn.

► The Sutton Trust responds to the Education select committee’s Covid-19 inquiry– ‘we have outlined a number of steps that we believe the government can take to help protect the futures of disadvantaged young people, including immediate actions to mitigate against the impacts of lockdown and long-term steps to compensate young people in the future.’

► The Cost of Learning in Lockdown: Family Experiences of School Closures‘We found that the cost burdens of school closures have fallen most heavily on families already living on a low income’ – the Child Poverty Action Group reports back on its survey of parents/carers and children.

► Low attainment in mathematics: an investigation of Year 9 students in England– ‘We identified 12 evidence-based strategies that appear to be effective and of relevance for teaching low attaining pupils in England,’ reports this UCL Institute of Education study funded by the Nuffield Foundation.


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