
As mentioned in our last blog about the Ofsted ITE curriculum research, Ofsted are keen to form a focus group from among our membership in order to supplement the survey responses.  We are now able to provide further information and invite expressions of interest from those of you who are interested in contributing to this.

Ofsted have provided the briefing note below, along with a copy of the privacy notice.

If you would like to express an interest in joining this focus group, please complete the Google Form which can be found here by 11.00a.m. on Monday, 29th April 2019.  Please note that in order to participate Ofsted require the consent of programme leaders and/or the institutions that they represent.

In putting together the focus group, we will be looking at a diversity in terms of geographical location, cohort sizes and subjects/phases offered.

The focus group meeting will take place on Wednesday, 1st May 2019, time to be confirmed, in London.  We will advise you on the afternoon of Monday, 29th April 2019 if you have a place on the focus group.


Briefing note for focus group participants

Ofsted’s research team is carrying out a study exploring curriculum quality in initial teacher education (ITE) provision for trainees. This is the first phase of a two-stage approach. For this phase we are keen to gather the views of programme leads, trainees and newly qualified teachers on their recent experiences of ITE curriculum. This data will be used to help inform the second stage of the work, where we expect to design and test a research model of curriculum quality. The findings of this investigation will feed into the design of the new ITE framework proposed for September 2020.

We wish to engage with programme leads in the sector to understand their approach to the curriculum offer they provide their trainees. To support the study, we would like to carry out several focus groups to collect rich data on this topic. The focus group questions will cover the aims and objectives of your curriculum for trainees, what is included in the programme design, your thinking around how the programme is structured, how you assess the programme to ensure it is implemented successfully and how you ensure trainee placements deliver on the curriculum intent. We are hoping that the wide range of views collected will allow us to determine some aspects of curriculum quality that feature across the sector.

Important information for focus group participants

  • This is a research project. This phase of the study is seeking views and perceptions of ITE curriculum design. We will not be using any information provided to make any judgements on the quality of provision. We will not be providing any feedback on answers provided.
  • In order to participate we require the consent of programme leaders and/or the institutions that they represent. Participants can choose not to participate at any time before or during the focus group.
  • The evidence collected will be held confidentially by Ofsted’s research and evaluation team. It will not be shared with third parties or used for future inspection purposes.
  • Any published report generated from the findings of the focus group will not identify the organisations involved or attribute any material to any individual response.

Ofsted Privacy notice – ITE curriculum research (questionnaires)

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