
NASBTT and UCET have sent a joint letter to Damien Hinds about teacher supply and the reform of QTS.  A copy of the letter can be found here.

1 Comment

  1. David Parker on March 12, 2018 at 3:04 pm

    Good letter – to the point.
    I would have added something on how dispiriting it is for primary or secondary subject applicants who are not in ‘demand’ to hear adverts telling them they could get £26,000 to train only to find out as soon as they look into it that they are expected to to fund their tuition and living costs themselves form paltry or non-existent bursaries. Although you could have, no doubt, put it better than that. 🙂 We have certainly had informal conversations that went no where once the funding situation was explained to applicants.

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