
Dear Colleagues,

Please see an event invitation below:


The Fabians’ Education Policy Group extends an open invitation to those interested in education to debate this issue.

Hosted by MP Kate Green, the event is being held in Committee Room 11, at the House of Commons, 7pm-9pm Tuesday November 19th 2019. Please allow 30 minutes to get through security.


Angela Rayner, Shadow Secretary of State for education

Professor Adam Boddinson, Chief Executive, NASEN National Association for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Anne Longfield, Children’s Commissioner for England

Other speakers will be added as they are confirmed.


Brian Matthews, PGCE science tutor Kings, chair Fabians Education Policy Group


We have a moral imperative to educate our children in the best way possible. But how can this be done, and who should be involved?

We are concerned that inclusion is for all pupils, be they academically gifted or SEND.

We are particularly interested in focussing on actions that would help a Government to set in motion quickly a good inclusion policy.

In this session we will debate strategies for inclusion and we invite ideas of new and creative ways of approaching inclusion.

Time will be set aside for audience participation and contributions.

Post seminar networking

Afterwards we will go to: The Old Shades, 37 Whitehall, Westminster, London SW1A 2BX where the tables at the rear are reserved for our use. Evening meals are available at the pub.

You are also invited to join the Education Policy Group which holds monthly meetings to discuss educational issues and develop beiefings on topics. email: fabianseducation@gmail.com

Register on Eventbrite here:


Or here:


See our blogs on http://fabians4education.edublogs.org/

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