
Initial Teacher Education Ofsted Update

September 2020

Welcome back to the autumn term. Hopefully you have had some well-deserved rest over the summer.

The aim of Ofsted’s Initial Teacher Education (ITE) Update is to provide ITE partnerships with the latest Ofsted information, guidance and relevant links. If you are no longer the identified provider’s representative for your ITE partnership, please pass on to the relevant colleague and contact us with their details via the ITE@ofsted.gov.uk mailbox.

The new ITE framework and handbook

In June, we published the new ITE handbook and framework, the consultation report and the updated equalities, diversity and inclusion statement. The framework commenced on 1 September 2020, with inspections expected to begin from January 2021.

COVID-19 (coronavirus)

As schools and educational settings return to a new form of reality, those in ITE will be looking to provide an ambitious curriculum that can be flexibly adapted to meet the ever-changing landscape.

We introduced a transition statement in the good criteria of our handbook, for the education and training judgement, so that partnerships who can demonstrate that they have an ambitious and compliant curriculum, will not be unfairly penalised if they are not able to deliver it in its entirety.

Partnership Survey and Trainee Online Questionnaires

Thank you to all partnerships for completing the partnership survey and for distributing the trainee online questionnaire (TOQ) for completion by trainees. Partnerships should have now received high-level summary reports on the TOQs completed within their partnership. If you have any queries relating to these, please contact us at ITE@ofsted.gov.uk.

DfE’s revised ITT Criteria

A reminder that the DfE has revised the ITT criteria. You can access further information via the following links:

Initial Teacher Training (ITT): criteria and supporting advice – www.gov.uk/government/publications/initial-teacher-training-criteria/initial-teacher-training-itt-criteria-and-supporting-advice

Early years ITT requirements and supporting advice – www.gov.uk/government/publications/early-years-itt-requirements-supporting-advice

The ITT Core Content Framework (CCF) Exemplification Resource

This has been produced ‘by the sector’ and ‘for the sector.’ ‘It provides a selection of exemplification resources related to the CCF. It is designed as an introductory document for providers to use with their trainees and the experts who mentor and support them. It provides links to readily available resources which support each of the ‘learn how to’ emboldened statements in the ITT Core Content Framework (CCF).’
(ITT CCF Exemplification resource)

You can access via the following links:



Other useful links

Coronavirus (COVID-19): initial teacher training (ITT) – www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-initial-teacher-training-itt

Teacher Recruitment Bulletin – www.gov.uk/government/publications/teacher-recruitment-bulletin

Please let us know if there are any particular topics you would like to read about in the next ITE Ofsted update, by writing to ITE@ofsted.gov.uk.

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