We are pleased to confirm that, following extensive discussion and negotiation with the DfE, they have now confirmed that, where there is no grant funding available, the restriction on charging salaried trainees for tuition fees has been removed. The DfE have issued the following confirmation:

A condition of the SDS grant funding is that trainees cannot be charged a fee for the award of QTS. This is a restriction of the grant funding, therefore in subjects where no grant funding is attached no such restriction exists. Simply put, SD partnerships may charge a fee in subjects without grant funding.

This is a matter for each School Direct lead school to decide, working in partnership with their ITT provider. SDS trainees are not eligible for student finance and will need to fund the fees themselves, as such partnerships should be cognisant of the impact of charging fees and the relative appeal of their course. Where the decision is taken to charge tuition fees, we would strongly advise that this is made very clear to potential applicants prior to application, for example on Find postgraduate teacher training and on school / provider websites.

We’re in the process of updating the funding manual and GiT website to ensure the above is clear for both providers and applicants.

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