Welcome to NASBTT's Teacher Educator and Mentoring Zone (TEMZ)

This dedicated resource has been designed to support the professional learning and development of Teacher Educators and Mentors both individually and collectively as a profession.

We believe it is vital to recognise the role of the Teacher Educator as a professional who is instrumental to the development of early career teachers.

Our Teacher Educator and Mentoring Zone (TEMZ) includes mentoring and subject resources.

Access is free of charge for all Teacher Educators and Mentors in all settings.


Based on our Professional Framework for Teacher Educators, our mentoring resources provide dedicated guidance, helpful tips and advice, articles, further reading, videos and handy printable guides.

Resources are easily accessible and designed to be a starting point for Teacher Educators and mentors who are keen to develop their own practice and knowledge. The content is built on existing theory and research, as well as first-hand practical advice that can be implemented quickly.

Led by our subject specialists, our subject resources provide Teacher Educators with resources and information in the primary and secondary National Curriculum subjects.

Each subject area includes informative resources, recommended reading, instructional videos, useful articles, blogs, podcasts, current topical newsfeed, good practice ideas, professional learning opportunities and much more.


Ask The Experts – How might AI have an impact on your subject?

June 11, 2024

We asked our Subject Experts the question. “How might AI have an impact on your subject? What can teachers/leaders do to embrace the opportunities and guard against potential problems?” Here…

Religious Education Council launches new curriculum toolkit to help teachers deliver high quality RE

June 11, 2024

Outcome of three- year religion and worldviews project will help teachers update their existing curriculum following Ofsted warning that schools need to ‘add depth’ to their RE lessons. Linda Whitworth,…

Language Events offered by Universities and others!

May 23, 2024

There are some really interesting free online lectures on in June with language learning as their theme. They focus on how languages are learnt which should be of interest to…

Free event led by Christopher Stevens with an update on Music in Schools

May 21, 2024

Music Mark: Free event led by Christopher Stevens with an update on Music in Schools

Resourcing the new French, German and Spanish GCSE 2024

May 20, 2024

Many of you will be aware of the work that Helen Myers does on behalf of UK  Modern Languages teachers. Not only did she set up the ’Secondary MFL Matters’…

New Resource – Support trainees and their mentors to co-plan and teach geography fieldwork

May 20, 2024

The Geographical Association’s National Festival of Fieldwork is designed to provide a focal point to encourage teachers to take their classes outside in the month of June, whether in the…

The Young Historian Project – Closing Date 20th July 2024.

May 20, 2024

The Spirit of Normandy Trust awards annual prizes for essays submitted by schools throughout the country relating to World War 2 events and their historical significance. Primary: these entries are…

Careers within the Music Industry

May 16, 2024

UK Music is a website looking at progression paths within the music industry

French Teacher Award

May 13, 2024

The Institut Francais’ annual award is back for 2024. With a deadline of October, you have plenty of time to nominate a colleague (or yourself!). As well an award presented…

An educator’s guide to digital music distribution

May 13, 2024

Music Teachers Magazine: An overview on how students can share their music beyond the classroom.