
Teacher subject specialism training (TSST) courses are currently available for AY 2017/18 and are free for participants. The purpose of TSST is to upskill non-specialist and returning teachers and increase the number of hours taught, and can help schools build capacity in secondary mathematics, core maths, physics and modern foreign languages. If your school, or schools across your alliance would benefit from TSST, please visit teacher subject specialism training courses.

1 Comment

  1. Taira Bibi on June 1, 2023 at 10:24 am

    I’m studying Maths at University level, yet very few schools are showing interest. I have taught Maths for 2 years. All I want is to be recognised as a Maths Teacher. I don’t want to give up my career. I feel disheartened, hopeless. I love Maths .

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