
Amidst the chaos, confusion and tragedy many colleagues have responded with remarkable flexibility: I have utmost respect and would like to think that their efforts could lead to positive outcomes in the future.

There has been and helter-skelter of ad-hoc innovation.  There has been little time to pause and think constructively but now, maybe, is the time to move from the urgent to the important.

The ongoing challenges for ITT, not just in this crisis, are significant.

The system has been stress tested; lessons have been learned, weaknesses exposed strengths identified and opportunities have arisen.

We have choices: In our use of educational technology we can either consider on-line learning as a simple stop gap before we return to what we did before or we can reflect on the advantages and disadvantages of the broader uses of technology.

I am reminded of the essay by Charles William Elliot, President of Harvard University when, in 1869, he wrote in the seminal essay, ‘The New Education’, that education must continually update how and what students learn so that it can evolve in step with society.  Having taught in schools, universities and a senior officer in LEAs and I wonder whether education has really kept up with the way society has changed over 150 years.

During the last months exposure to technology and digital learning has never been greater.  Teachers have developed new skills and approaches.

So, a few questions for ITT providers, have you considered how the meaningful use of Ed Tech can provide:

  • Meaningful coaching and mentoring experiences – including such activities as in-ear coaching
  • Effective alternatives to traditional observations that can be undertaken remotely and provide formative feedback
  • Opportunities for collaboration
  • Improved learning experiences for your own students
  • More cost efficient and effective practice?

The IRIS Connect platform is much more than a video capture or video streaming tool: It has many unique features enabling collaborative working, analysis, research, coaching, reflection and teaching.   The system is used in 30 countries in many sectors – schools, universities, corporate, medical.

As a company evolved from research and from working with colleagues across the world we know that through technology it is possible to work smarter not harder.

For a full version of this blog, please see:

If you are interested in any of the issues raised or would like to find out more, please get in visit or get in touch

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