
Are you considering using NASBTT’s Mentor Development Modules?  Hear from Vikki Leaper, Senior Lecturer in Education (ITT) and Partnership Mentor Lead, Teesside University on what they think to NASBTT’s Mentor Development Modules.

“As an ITT provider, we are using NASBTT Mentor Development Modules to underpin and support our existing mentor training programme. They fulfil many of the DfE 2024 requirements, offer bespoke training at the three levels of introducing, embedding, and refining; ensuring that our mentors are highly trained, expert and are developing at their own individual level, having widespread positive impact. The fact that they can be delivered synchronously and asynchronously allows us flexibility as a provider, and helps mentors meet the time demands of mentor training, whilst not impacting too negatively on workload. The modules themselves are easy to use and adapt, according to need. They are well-written and researched, allowing ample opportunity for individual reflection, collaboration between mentors and sharing good practice. Support from the NASBTT team has been excellent. An informative and useful tool for any ITT provider!”

Vikki Leaper, Senior Lecturer in Education (ITT) and Partnership Mentor Lead, Teesside University

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