
Our recently launched Mentor Development Modules contains a Diagnostic Assessment which has been specifically designed to allow for personalised CPD for mentors of varying experience and expertise.

  • Registered ITT Organisations have the option to use this assessment to identify training and CPD need for their mentors
  • Mentors can take the short online assessment about their skills and experience
  • The assessment comprises of 19 questions and takes approximately 5 minutes to complete
  • On completion, the assessment recommends modules for completion based on the mentor’s level of knowledge and experience this recommendation is sent to the mentor and the organisation’s identified main contact
  • ITT organisations can choose for mentors to complete the recommended modules or use these recommendations to inform tailored CPD as part of their wider mentor training
  • These recommended modules can be added to the mentor’s ‘favourites’ list in NASBTT Learn for completion

Find out more and register for NASBTT’s Mentor Development Modules



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