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Start the NPQLTD application process today to avoid disappointment

Places are nearly full for our London cohort and are filling up fast for our Sheffield cohort. There are just three face to face workshops in these locations over the course duration with the remaining seminars held online.

The final deadline for completed applications is Wednesday, 11th October 2023; however, there are several steps in the process, including requesting supporting information from a key senior leader within your organisation so don’t delay in starting your application today. If your fully completed application is not submitted by Wednesday, 11th October 2023 you will be unable to start the course this Autumn.

Ensure you don’t miss out by starting the process today.

The National Professional Qualification in Leading Teacher Development (NPQLTD) is a recommended qualification for Lead Mentors working within ITT partnerships as set out in the DfE’s quality requirements for 2024.

Working in partnership with the Teacher Development Trust (TDT), NASBTT is pleased to offer this NPQLTD contextualised specifically to support colleagues working in ITT partnerships.

You (or your colleagues) are just a few steps away from submitting your application.

Take the first step today and register your interest.


If you have any questions about our NPQLTD, please contact Claire Prescott or view our NPQLTD frequently asked questions.

If you have already applied for the NPQLTD and not heard anything from us, please check if your sponsor has completed the application.

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