
The DfE has today released the following information regarding the 2019/20 ITT Recruitment request window.  The reference documents can be found here:

SCITT DMS User Guide
HEI request window guidance
Lead School DMS User Guide

4 June 2018


Dear Colleague,

2019/20 ITT Recruitment: Request window

Further to our communication on 21 May 2018, we are pleased to confirm that the window to request initial teacher training (ITT) places for the 2019/20 academic year will be open from midday on Monday 4 June until midday on Friday 22 June 2018.

Requesting permission to recruit in unlimited subjects and requesting places in fixed subjects for the 2019/20 academic year

During the window, you are required to inform us of the subjects and routes in which you plan to offer ITT for 2019/20 by submitting information on the Data Management System (DMS). You must submit this information to allow you to list your courses as open for recruitment and to access any DfE funding associated with training places. The information submitted will be shared with UCAS to allow applicants to apply on UCAS Teacher Training from October 2018. Information submitted outside the window will not be accepted.

We will use the information submitted to understand demand and capacity in the ITT system nationally. Providing accurate data is an important part of complying with DfE funding and reporting requirements.

Please read the Requesting ITT places – guidance for the 2019/20 academic year for detailed information on how to submit information on the subjects and routes in which you plan to offer ITT in 2019/20.

We announced in January that we will be continuing for 2019/20 the allocations approach used for 2018/19, which means that for the 2019/20 academic year, recruitment to the majority of subjects and routes is unlimited. A full list of subjects and routes that are unlimited under the 2019/20 methodology is available in the guidance. We will write to you in September 2018 to confirm your allocations in fixed subjects, alongside confirmation of your permission to recruit in unlimited subjects.

Guidance documents on how to submit the information on the DMS are attached to this email. There are three separate guidance documents for HEIs, SCITTs or lead schools.

We can confirm that School Direct (salaried) will continue alongside the Postgraduate Teaching Apprenticeship for 2019/20. Postgraduate Teaching Apprenticeship places should be requested on the DMS, and details on how to request them can be found in the published guidance.


You will need to meet the following eligibility criteria in order to request places for 2019/20:

·      Accredited ITT providers should hold a good or outstanding Ofsted rating.

·      School Direct lead schools should hold a good or outstanding Ofsted rating.

·      School Direct lead schools must also register to recruit for 2019/20 by completing all registration requirements, which includes listing all schools within their partnerships on the DMS.

Early Years ITT

Any accredited provider can deliver Early Years ITT places leading to the award of Early Years Teacher Status (EYTS). As per the guidance, you should submit requests for Early Years ITT places on the DMS. The methodology for Early Years ITT places will be advised in early September following confirmation of available funding.

New ITT Providers

If you are a provider, or a lead school wishing to work with a provider, that is yet to be accredited by DfE to deliver ITT, you should contact us at itt.allocations@education.gov.uk for information and support.

Listing of Courses

As announced in April 2018, we are working with UCAS to make improvements on attracting and supporting applicants to ITT. We plan to launch a new search tool for postgraduate ITT programmes in England for the 2019/20 academic year. UCAS will continue to provide the central undergraduate admissions service and will work with us to ensure all UCAS’ customers are kept fully informed through regular bulletins. You can contact becomingateacher@digital.education.gov.uk for further details.

Important note: 2018/19 recruitment

During the three-week request window, any requests for the 2018/19 academic year must be made by email to itt.allocations@education.gov.uk. You should do this if you wish to request additional Primary School Direct (salaried) places, additional PE places under the PE with EBacc scheme, or to set up a new course for 2018/19.

Kind regards


ITT Allocations Team

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