
Published on: Thursday, 27th February 2020

Our series of roundtables gathering intelligence on how trainee assessment is approached in different ways across the sector have now come to an end and we are in the process of collating this information.  We are grateful to all the providers who took part in these events which were extremely helpful.  Additionally, we have engaged with the EEF on research into this area and are carrying out extensive desk-top research of our own.

The next step will be to crystallise that thinking into a guidance document that can help guide members’ approach to trainee assessment. It is important that this work is undertaken thoughtfully and carefully – avoiding any knee-jerk reactions and ensuring we can effect meaningful, worthwhile and effective change which can serve as a powerful collective response for the sector.
We hope to be able to share our early thinking on this area at our May Member Workshops – where we will be exploring trainee assessment in the light of the Ofsted Inspection Framework.

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