Education Support
Welcome to our first newsletter of 2021.

It has been a tough start to the year with indecision on primary schools opening, confusion on exam assessments and then a full national lockdown.

Please remember that we are here for you. Our helpline remains open 24/7 for anyone who needs to talk. We also have a grants service for teachers and education staff who need short-term financial relief.

Below we have included shareable information about the helpline. Please spread the word as it’s a lifeline to so many teachers. We also share tips and advice to help you cope with the latest lockdown.

Share our new helpline resources

Our helpline is an essential lifeline for teachers and education staff who are struggling.

Please share the poster with your friends and colleagues.

We also have images for you to share on social media. Please help us spread the word!

Calming the January blues

Some positive steps we can take to help us through this particularly difficult January.

5 ways to look after your wellbeing in 2021

Instead of setting ourselves ambitious resolutions, the best goal we can have this year is to be kinder to ourselves.

Working from home… or living from work?

Emma Kell asked teachers and education staff to share their working from home survival tips.

Su’s story

After a traumatic safeguarding incident took a big emotional toll, Su called our helpline. “Get in touch as soon as you feel things aren’t right as it really helped,” she said.

Mental health festival for schools

On 3 February Beyond and Inside Out Day will host the UK’s first ever mental health and wellbeing festival for schools. Our friends at the Anna Freud Centre will be running a session on Teacher Wellbeing on the day. Book here.

Please get in touch with any feedback. And remember our helpline and grants teams are here to support education staff past and present.

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