
The following updates to TEP content are in progress:

  • New Level 2: Instruction Coaching
    The Instructional Coaching training is being rewritten as a standalone TEP that will follow the same structure as the other Level 1 and Level 2 programmes. Licence Holders who attended the Instructional Coaching will have access to these materials and the option of delivering this programme as standalone training or as content delivered alongside the Level 1 and/or Level 2 programmes.  A separate guidance document will direct Licence Holders as to where and when new Instructional Coaching modules many be woven into Level 1 and Level 2 facilitation.

Licence Holders who have attended the training will be informed when the new Instructional Coaching materials are available.

  • Re-modelling of the Level 2 Advanced Mentoring and Coaching programme
    Quality Assurance feedback has indicated that the vast majority of Licence Holders are unable to run this programme as a full two-day programme in line with NASBTT expectations. NASBTT is remodelling this programme such that delivery requires one full day (or the equivalent series of twilights) with a firm focus on providing opportunities for delegates to practice coaching.  It will also include some additional resources based on Licence Holder feedback.
    Updates will be ready in time for 2021-2022 TEP facilitation.  Further details will follow towards the end of this academic year.

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