
The DfE have asked us to share the information below with our members:

The Department for Education is exploring potential options to support the formation of a school-centred initial teacher training (SCITT) provider with national reach specialising in the recruitment and delivery of computing initial teacher training. Interested organisations should read the Prior Information Notice (PIN) published on the Gov.uk website here:https://www.contractsfinder.service.gov.uk/Notice/d4ae20e2-4a78-4dfc-bc11-d22af7d5da1b.

Please note we are not committing to undertake any formal commissioning activity resulting from this notice although we may use the information gathered via this process to support any future commercial activity.

Interested organisations should complete the document attached to the PIN and submit it toContact.NCSCITT@education.gov.uk by 8am, Monday 23 July 2018.


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