
I have just been given permission to share the news with you that the DfE will shortly be providing updated guidance confirming that SCITT providers will be able to charge £9,250 for postgraduate ITT courses starting in 2019/20, bringing us in line with HEI fees.

This has been a long and hard-fought battle and we are so pleased that the DfE have agreed to this change.

This does mean that you will need to act quickly to ensure that any marketing materials focused on 2019/20 programmes are updated (should you choose to charge the higher rate) to ensure accurate information is being given to prospective trainees.  This will, crucially, include a review of the information held on your website, social media pages and any print media you have planned to coincide with the start of the recruitment period.

The updated guidance will be made available by DfE in the near future and we will, of course, share this with you as soon as it is available.

I know that this change in fees could make a very real difference for many of you.  A glimmer of positive news in what has proven to be a challenging start to the year!


  1. Aly Spencer on September 27, 2018 at 12:37 pm

    Is this for all SCITTs, regardless of their business structure or whether they’re connected to limited companies or MATs etc?

    • Alison Hobson on September 27, 2018 at 2:25 pm

      Hi Aly
      This applies to all SCITTs offering fee funded places for 2019.

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