Yesterday you will have received a communication from the Department for Education (DfE) confirming their new ‘Apply for Teacher Training service’ will be the only route for ITT applications in England from October 2021.

As you’ll know from our previous updates, we’re working in close collaboration with the DfE, and will support you during the transition by signposting you to key information.

Managing 2021 applications  

We’ll continue to process 2021 applications until the cycle officially closes on 4 October, meaning all UCAS systems and services will continue to be available until this date.

Download your deferred applications by 4 October

If you choose to accept deferred teacher training applications via UCAS Teacher Training for programmes starting in 2022, you’ll need to download copies of these applications from web-link by 4 October. These records will not be available to access for long after the scheme closes.

Preparing yourself for the 2022 cycle

In May the Department for Education ran a workshop to help providers in England transition to their new service – you can watch the playback and view the workshop slides.

To find out more about the DfE’s Apply service and ensure you’re prepared for the changes, contact the DfE by emailing: becomingateacher@digital.education.gov.uk.

Kind regards,

UCAS Teacher Training

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