At the start of the 2023-24 academic year, we formally rolled out our Subject Development Resources to support ITT providers’ delivery of a high-quality curriculum and develop the subject knowledge of trainees.

Curated by subject experts, covering all Primary and Secondary National Curriculum subjects and linked to the ITT Core Content Framework and Early Career Framework, these on-demand resources are flexible in use and delivered through the lens of the subject.

In addition to the bank of engaging videos and curated subject resources, we have an exciting calendar of live sessions on key topics. We spoke to three members about how they are using our Subject Development Resources to date.

  1. Delivering on strategic priorities

“Supporting trainees’ subject knowledge development across the primary curriculum is a priority for us,” said Craig Horsman, Deputy Director of ITT at Surrey South Farnham SCITT. “Therefore, the NASBTT Subject Development Resources are a fundamental part of how we enable our trainees to gain both knowledge and confidence to plan and teach in every subject.”

“As an established provider we were delighted to see NASBTT develop its provision for teachers new to the profession, whether starting training or already in their early careers, with the introduction of Subject Development Resources,” explained Professor Bethany Kelly, Director of Programmes – Faculty of Education, at the University of Buckingham. “This gives providers confidence that their subject knowledge training is being supplemented by top-quality sessions and along with access to key thinkers in the educational world.”

“We have used the NASBTT Subject Development Resources in a number of ways, including as asynchronous learning for subject development based on subject audits,” added Victoria Lickley, SCITT Director at Red Kite Teacher Training.

  1. Compelling mix of learning approaches, with a range of applications

“Through the Subject Development Resources, NASBTT provides a hub with a wide range of useful articles to support new teachers – the support is highly recommended,” Professor Kelly continued.

“Attendance at the brand new live webinars is a core component of our programme, and trainees are directed to access the wealth of excellent on-demand resources as part of their ongoing self-study,” Craig explained.

“Our Subject Knowledge Leads use the resources for pre-session reading, as post-session tasks, and to fill gaps if a trainee has not been able to attend a session,” Victoria revealed. “We have also used them when sessions have to be cancelled due to illness or school closure as a trusted, purposeful learning activity.”

  1. Impact on trainees and mentors

“Using the Subject Development Resources will ensure that trainees feel ready to teach across the primary curriculum, and recognise the importance of secure subject knowledge as a key aspect of effective teaching,” Craig commented.

“We signpost trainees to the live sessions as part of our planned curriculum e.g. wellbeing, and as a revisit and review for the behaviour session,” Victoria said. “The availability of last year’s resources is really useful as we can direct trainees to more specialised resources e.g. English ‘Grammar’ focused session. We have encouraged mentors to direct their trainees to things they could watch based on weekly targets. We have also spoken to mentors about the potential of using these within departments as relevant CPD.”

Looking ahead, Victoria concluded: “As the year goes on, we anticipate the continuation of signposting to enhance our course delivery based on the needs of the cohort when relevant. It gives us flexibility to adapt in year with high-quality resources. At primary in particular, resources have provided the opportunity for trainees to deepen their understanding in a particular subject and allow them to ‘pick and choose’ as and when they are able to access the training. This enables them to follow their interests in particular subjects and to identify subjects where they may benefit from more focus.”

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