
Delivering a Teacher Educator Programme next term? If you haven’t already, signpost your delegates to head over to the Teacher Educators and Mentoring Zone (TEMZ) on the NASBTT website. The TEMZ is packed full of accessible guidance and information for mentors. We have just released the first in a series of podcasts and our first guest is Sinead McBrearty, CEO at Education Support, who talks to us about the importance of well-being and how to manage anxiety during a period of huge challenge for schools. Sign up is completely free and new content is being added all the time so if you are about to become a mentor or looking to build on your existing knowledge, don’t miss out!

>> Listen to the podcast

TEMZ registration is free and new content is being added all the time.  Recommend that your mentors register if they are new or are looking to build on their existing knowledge.

>> Register for free access today 


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