Membership fees

The ITT market review and accreditation process has impacted on many of our valued Members and that impact has been felt in terms of organisational and budget uncertainty.

In the worst cases, a small number of providers have made very difficult choices about their futures, including making redundancies, forfeiting their accreditation and going into partnerships or closing altogether.  This, of course, has had a knock-on effect on NASBTT.

When I wrote to you last May, I asked you to continue to support us as much as you are able to over the next 18 months – both through membership and the high-quality services that we are continuing to invest in (Mentor Development Modules, Subject Development Resources, Video Resource Bank, NASBTT Learn, and our NPQ in Leading Teacher Development) and also by attending our events and workshops.  I would like to thank you for your support since my further message in July, and reiterate that again now.

As you know, our position has always been to keep membership fees as low as possible.  We have not increased membership fees since 2021, yet at the same time our costs (like everyone else’s) continue to rise and we have been investing in services which we know from Member feedback that you are seeing huge value and benefit from.

Taking everything into account, our Board of Trustees has taken the decision to apply a small increase to NASBTT membership fees of £20.49 per institution and £0.71 per trainee from the 2024-2025 academic year.  This represents an approximate 5% increase, rising broadly in line with inflation, which we hope you can see is still excellent value for your membership.  Critically, it will also enable us to continue our ongoing investment in resources, support and innovation.

On a practical level for SCITTs and HEIs, we will move to collecting institution and trainee fees via a single invoice, which will be issued every January, which we hope will support you with cashflow and workload.

I hope you understand our rationale at this time for increasing membership fees, which is never an easy decision, and we in turn also hope that we can continue to support you in the next academic year and beyond.

A personalised membership and services renewal communication will be shared with your organisation this week.  Your response is required by Friday, 5th July 2024 at the latest.

Emma Hollis
The National Association of School-Based Teacher Trainers (NASBTT)



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