
Dear Members,

As I am sure you will appreciate, the ITT market review and accreditation process has impacted on NASBTT, as well as many of our valued Members, and that impact has been felt in terms of organisational and budget uncertainty.

Trainee recruitment, as we know, is a major contributory factor to the uncertainty we all face.  We are doing everything we can to highlight this issue, including through our ITT barriers to recruitment and delivery survey published last week, and we are engaging government on practical solutions and incentives around recruitment.

Recognising this uncertainty, and following a meeting of our Finance and Remuneration Committee to review our proposed budget 2023-2024, our Board of Trustees has made the decision not to increase membership fees from September for the 2023-2024 academic year.*  We wish to show solidarity with the sector – and support our Members as much as we can through a turbulent year – despite this meaning that NASBTT will incur a significant budget deficit for the next academic year.

Never in the history of our organisation, or our sector, have we faced such a massive financial challenge and never has there been more of a need for your voices to be heard and for NASBTT to represent you at the heart of policymaking on the issues that matter to you.  So, please continue to support us as much as you are able to over the next 12-18 months – both through membership and the high-quality services we are continuing to invest in.

Those key services we ask you to support are:

NASBTT can only continue to represent you, and to offer the range and quality of services currently available to you, if we can remain financially viable moving forward.  Whilst we can absorb a significant deficit this year due to having been prudent with our reserves in the past, we will not be able to sustain financial losses into the future.

However, we remain hopeful that together, and by continuing to support one another, NASBTT and the sector we represent can weather the storm, with the hope of more financial security in the future.

Emma Hollis
Executive Director

* Members will be aware that it is NASBTT’s usual policy to increase our membership fees annually broadly in line with inflation.


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